Pipette tips without filter Low Retention


13,42£ - 42,07£

  • Tips compatible with pipettes from HTL, Omnitip, Axygen, Acumax, Eppendorf, Gilson, Biohit, Biotix, Biologix, Thermo, Labsystems, CAPP, Socorex, Finnpipette and many other brands
  • Low-adhesion tips – low retention, Low-Retention with a hydrophobic surface
  • Available capacities: 10ul SHORT, 10ul LONG, 200ul, 1000ul
  • With Graduation
  • Compliant with the USP 3127 standard, i.e. free from heavy metals.
  • Safe endotoxin level, compliant with USP/FDA standards
  • High clarity and compatibility
  • Perfect work with multi-channel pipettes
  • High tightness on the pipette
  • High protection against cross-contamination
  • Full automation of production and clean room conditions
  • Bag version (non-sterile, Dnase/Rnase and Pyrogen Free),
  • Box version (sterile, Dnase/Rnase and Pyrogen Free)
  • E-Beam sterilization
  • Certified free of DNase, RNase and pyrogens
  • Medical device for In Vitro diagnostics in accordance with Regulation 2017/746 (hereinafter: IVDR)

Download the PDF data sheet


PictureSKUCapacityLengthPacking typeCompositionDegree of cleanlinessSterilepcs/packDinnerQuantityMagazineCart
SKU: GBPTS0010-BN-LBCapacity: 10µlLength: 32 mmPacking type: bag (1000pcs)Material: PPDegree of cleanliness: DNase/RNase free, Non-PyrogenicSterile: NOpcs/pack: 1x1000pcs/1000pcsPrice: 13,42£
Warehouse: In stock
SKU: GBPTS0010-R-NSCapacity: 10µlLength: 32 mmPacking type: tripod (96 pcs.)Material: PPDegree of cleanliness: DNase/RNase free, Non-PyrogenicSterile: Yespcs/pack: 10x96pcs. /960pcs.Price: 42,07£
Warehouse: In stock
SKU: GBPT0010-BN-LBCapacity: 10µlLength: 40 mmPacking type: bag (1000pcs)Material: PPDegree of cleanliness: DNase/RNase free, Non-PyrogenicSterile: NOpcs/pack: 1x1000pcs/1000pcsPrice: 13,42£
Warehouse: In stock
Universal pipette tips with a Low retention 10ul filter in a green and pink box.SKU: GBPT0010-R-NSCapacity: 10µlLength: 40 mmPacking type: tripod (96 pcs.)Material: PPDegree of cleanliness: DNase/RNase free, Non-PyrogenicSterile: Yespcs/pack: 10x96pcs. /960pcs.Price: 42,07£
Warehouse: In stock
SKU: GBPT0200-BY-LBCapacity: 200µlLength: 52 mmPacking type: bag (1000pcs)Material: PPDegree of cleanliness: DNase/RNase free, Non-PyrogenicSterile: NOpcs/pack: 1x1000pcs/1000pcsPrice: 13,42£
Warehouse: In stock
Pipette tips without filter 200 microliters in a blue-yellow box.SKU: GBPT0200-R-NSCapacity: 200µlLength: 52 mmPacking type: tripod (96 pcs.)Material: PPDegree of cleanliness: DNase/RNase free, Non-PyrogenicSterile: Yespcs/pack: 10x96pcs. /960pcs.Price: 42,07£
Warehouse: In stock
SKU: GBPT1000-BN-LBCapacity: 1000µlLength: 88 mmPacking type: bag (1000pcs)Material: PPDegree of cleanliness: DNase/RNase free, Non-PyrogenicSterile: NOpcs/pack: 1x1000pcs/1000pcsPrice: 30,00£
Warehouse: In stock
Pipette tips without filter 1000 microliters in a blue boxSKU: GBPT1000-R-NSCapacity: 1000µlLength: 88 mmPacking type: tripod (96 pcs.)Material: PPDegree of cleanliness: DNase/RNase free, Non-PyrogenicSterile: Yespcs/pack: 10x96pcs. /960pcs.Price: 42,07£
Warehouse: In stock

Pipette tips without filter Low Retention - quality of the Googlab Scientific brand

The Googlab Scientific Low Retention filterless pipette tips are an advanced tool designed for precision and reliability in everyday laboratory work. These unique tips are made of high-quality polypropylene with special Low Retention properties that minimize liquid adhesion to the internal surface. This allows for precise dispensing of even small volumes of liquid, which is particularly important in procedures requiring maximum accuracy, such as PCR, chemical analysis or sample preparation for sequencing. The product is compatible with a wide range of automatic pipettes, making it a universal choice for diagnostic, research and industrial laboratories. Additionally, Googlab Scientific tips are free from DNase, RNase and pyrogens, which ensures clean and safe work with biological samples. To learn more about products supporting pipetting technology, please visit our category pipetting and dosing.

Functionality and technological advancement of Low Retention tips

The Low Retention filterless pipette tips from Googlab Scientific are distinguished by their innovative design and the use of the latest technologies that raise the standard of laboratory work. Their surface has been specially designed to prevent liquids from sticking, which allows for precise dosing and minimizes sample losses, especially in the case of expensive reagents or small volumes. The ergonomic shape of the tips ensures easy assembly and disassembly, and their universal design makes them fit most automatic pipettes available on the market. Additionally, the tips are characterized by high chemical resistance, which allows you to work with a variety of substances while maintaining full reliability and safety. If you want to learn practical tips on how to work effectively with pipetting technologies, visit our blog, where you will find useful tips and information.

Why choose Googlab Scientific tips?

Googlab Scientific Low Retention Filterless Pipette Tips are a reliable tool that will meet the expectations of even the most demanding users. Their exceptional build quality and innovative Low Retention properties make them the perfect choice for working with difficult-to-dispense liquids, ensuring maximum precision and minimizing sample loss. The sterility of the tips and the lack of DNase, RNase and pyrogens guarantee safety when working with biological samples, eliminating the risk of contamination. The product has been designed with user convenience and compatibility with a wide range of automatic pipettes in mind, making it a versatile solution for any laboratory. To discover more products supporting pipetting and dispensing, visit our category pipetting and dosing and find everything you need to work effectively.



  • Low retention, Low Retention, molecularly pure
  • Colorless medical grade polypropylene, natural pure color
  • High transparency and user-friendly
  • Smooth and uniform hydrophobic surface ensures pipetting accuracy
  • Wide range of compatibility, suitable for both single-channel and multi-channel pipettes
  • Precise and sharp points – help in accurate sampling, especially those with low volume.
  • Low pressure – tips are soft and flexible enough to minimize sample damage and prevent tip clogging.
  • Minimal Residue – Tips ensure minimal residue to avoid contamination of subsequent samples
  • Solvent Resistance – Tips are resistant to solvents such as ethanol and chloroform to avoid damage and prevent sample contamination.


  • Convenient closure, easy to use with one hand
  • The rimmed lid facilitates storage in the laboratory
  • Boxes can be autoclaved
  • Efficient autoclaving with the lid ajar
  • Hinges allow easy removal of the lid
  • Colored boxes make it easy to identify
  • Chemically resistant to alcohols and mild organic solvents


  • Temperature range: approx. -86°C to +64°C
  • Shelf life: 3 years from the date of manufacture (make sure the packaging is in good condition)


  • In laboratories, low retention tips are used to collect and store fluid samples, including blood, urine, saliva, saline solutions and nucleic acids. The use of low retention tips helps minimize sample loss and ensures accurate and repeatable laboratory test results.
  • In the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, low retention tips are used in research and production processes for collecting and storing samples of drug solutions, enzymes and other chemical substances. They ensure accurate and repeatable results and minimize sample loss.
  • In medicine, low retention tips are used to collect samples of blood, urine and other body fluids to diagnose diseases and monitor treatment. Thanks to low sample retention, losses of biological material are minimized and it is possible to obtain accurate and repeatable laboratory test results.


  • Manufactured in accordance with EN ISO14971:2019; EN980:2016; EN ISO13485:2016; ISO 14001
  • Certified RNase-, DNase- and Pyrogen free
  • Medical device for In Vitro diagnostics in accordance with Regulation 2017/746 (hereinafter: IVDR)


  • YES for boxed tips
  • E-beam sterilization, SAL=10-6. The product was irradiated and released dosimetrically based on ANSI/AAMI/ISO 11137
    Each production lot is sampled and tested according to standard operating procedures. Appearance Inspection: Qualified. Leak test: qualified. Pipette Fit Test: Qualified. Packaging Inspection: Qualified.


Tips compatible with MicroPette Plus single-channel pipettes

Googlab Professional Line Tips – Filter-free tips

  • GBPTS0010-BN-LB: 01-2112 Years, 01-2101 Years
  • GBPTS0010-R-NS: 01-2112 Years, 01-2101 Years
  • GBPT0010-BN-LB: 01-2112 Years, 01-2101 Years
  • GBPT0010-R-NS: 01-2112 Years, 01-2101 Years
  • GBPT0200-BY-LB: 01-2122, 01-2155, 01-2104, 01-2102
  • GBPT0200-R-NS: 01-2122, 01-2155, 01-2104, 01-2102
  • GBPT1000-BN-LB: 01-2110

Tips compatible with MicroPette Plus multichannel pipettes

Googlab Professional Line Tips – Filter-free tips

  • GBPTS0010-BN-LB: 01-2801
  • GBPTS0010-R-NS: 01-2801
  • GBPT0010-BN-LB: 01-2801
  • GBPT0010-R-NS: 01-2801
  • GBPT0020-B-Y-LB: 01-2830, 01-2805
  • GBPT0200-R-NS: 01-2830, 01-2805