In vitro cytotoxicity tests – application in toxicology and pharmacy

Introduction to in vitro cytotoxicity testing In vitro cytotoxicity testing plays a key role in the assessment of

Types of Petri dishes

The Petri dish is one of the most recognizable laboratory tools, without which it is difficult to imagine work

Types of laboratory stands – which one to choose?

Laboratory stands are an indispensable piece of equipment for every laboratory. They are used for stable and safe storage

Erlenmeyer Flasks for Growing Cultures – How to Grow Cultures?

Growing cultures in Erlenmeyer flasks is a process that is widely used in microbiological and biotechnological laboratories.

Cell Cultivation. What is it and what are its uses?

Cell culture is a fundamental technique in biology and medicine that allows the study of cells outside the body.

Laboratory glassware. Basic types, names and uses

Effective work in a chemical, biological or physical laboratory is impossible without the right equipment. Laboratory vessels

Egg Freezing: Fertility Preservation

More and more often, women in developed countries decide to have children later in life. In the European Union

What is Microbiology? Get the definition.

Microbiology – the science of the invisible world Microbiology is a field of science that studies microorganisms, such as

Accredited laboratory – what does it mean? 

In today's world of technology and research, laboratory accreditation plays a key role in ensuring the reliability of results.

ISO 17025 – What is Laboratory Accreditation? Requirements

ISO 17025 is an international standard that specifies requirements for testing and calibration laboratories regarding their